Campus corso goes international

Niet alleen binnen de context van onderwijs wisselen we kennis en ervaring uit. We doen dat ook op een informele manier, bijvoorbeeld via Europese jeugdontmoetingen. Meer info over hoe zo'n ontmoeting er kan uitzien binnen Erasmus+ Jeugd lees je op de website van Jint, het Vlaamse Erasmusagentschap voor jeugd. Sinds dit jaar organiseren we zelf ook jeugdontmoetingen in samenwerking met diverse jeugdorganisaties verspreid over heel Europa.

Ons No Hate Yes Love-project in de kijker in de Turkse pers:

Ardahan's historical and touristic places are introduced to foreign young people

48 young people from different countries who came to Ardahan within the scope of the Erasmus+ Youth Project are shown around the historical and touristic places of the city. Within the scope of the project supported by the Provincial Directorate of National Education and the Directorate of Culture and Tourism, young people from Turkey as well as Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain, Greece and Portugal have the opportunity to get to know the city. Young people who will visit Çıldır Lake, Ardahan Castle and Devil's Castle within the scope of the tour program, which will last approximately 10 days, will get to know the historical and natural beauties of the city and learn the culture of the region. Group Coordinator Suat Özgülüova told the AA correspondent that young people liked Ardahan very much. Stating that young people came together to resist hatred, Özsosyalova said: "We are in Ardahan to increase our tolerance towards different cultures and beliefs. Our project is going very well. We are promoting Ardahan and Turkey with the activities we organise. They are having a great time. While the participants are telling about the culture of their country, they are also getting information about our culture. They are against hatred." "We share solution suggestions regarding the issue. We also organise cultural events in the evenings. Those who have the chance to get to know new cultures also have the chance to get to know someone else's culture." Polish Ida Pıatkowska also stated that the trip was very productive and said, "I love such places. I especially love places related to nature. That's why I recommend this place to everyone." said. Ahsen Sude Bulut also stated that the travel programs are progressing well and said, "Our days are full. We have the opportunity to introduce the history and culture of the region." he said.



Within the scope of the project that aims to increase young people's tolerance towards differences and reduce the feeling of hatred among young people, the Erasmus+ Youth project, which is carried out in partnership with vzw Edushakers operating in Belgium and Antalya Value Creators Association, is being held in Ardahan between 18-28 August 2023.


Six people each from non-profit organisations operating in Belgium, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Spain, Greece and Portugal participated in the project supported by the Belgian National Agency and the EU. In the project, in addition to raising awareness against biased news on media and social media aimed at increasing hatred, various activities are carried out on teaching young people the reasons that fuel hatred, reducing hate speech, showing the social problems caused by hatred and intolerance, and teaching the importance of love. Young people, who learned that love is the solution and differences are wealth, raised awareness among the public with their outdoor activities. Young people, who had the opportunity to see the historical and natural beauties of Ardahan in the project supported by the Ardahan Provincial Directorate of National Education, stated that they liked Turkey very much, talked about their love for Turkey and Turkish people, and expressed that they wanted to come to our country more often.


Bron: Ardahan Medyia Gazetesi