Campus corso goes international

Niet alleen binnen de context van onderwijs wisselen we kennis en ervaring uit. We doen dat ook op een informele manier, bijvoorbeeld via Europese jeugdontmoetingen. Meer info over hoe zo'n ontmoeting er kan uitzien binnen Erasmus+ Jeugd lees je op de website van Jint, het Vlaamse Erasmusagentschap voor jeugd. Sinds dit jaar organiseren we zelf ook jeugdontmoetingen in samenwerking met diverse jeugdorganisaties verspreid over heel Europa.

  • Young Musicians in Action in Akçakoca (Turkije) van 25 november tot 5 november 2023

Ons Young Musicians-project in de kijker in de Turkse pers:

49 Young people from Turkey, Belgium, Italy, North Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria and Hungary participate in this project. Within the scope of the project, young people come together to improve their musical talents, get to know different cultures and share their experiences. The project hosts events that unite Akçakoca in the magical world of music. Participants have the opportunity to learn from each other and share experiences by coming together with a program full of workshops, celebrations and concerts held within the scope of October 29, and cultural events. The aim of the project is to promote cultural interaction among young people and strengthen communication through music. In addition, participants carry out various activities to develop the spirit of cooperation in the international arena and reinforce their working skills. Young people also have the opportunity to introduce their own culture and discover the beauties of Akçakoca by interacting with the local people. This project is an important step to increase cultural understanding among young people and lay the foundations for future collaborations. The "Young Musicians in Action" project aims to build bridges between young people, develop musical talents and support cultural exchange. This project, carried out within the scope of Erasmus +, expands the horizons of young people and makes Akçakoca the centre of international youth activities. Such events allow young people around the world to understand each other, improve intercultural communication and strengthen friendships. Düzce's Akçakoca district is proud to host young people and offer them an unforgettable experience.


Bron: Analiz Gazetesi