Campus corso goes international

Music for the Brain: KA210 - kleinschalig samenwerkingsproject


In Music for the Brain werken schoolkinderen en hun leerkrachten uit Polen en Roemenië samen met professionele muzikanten uit België (vzw Wesp) en de muzikanten van muziekschool Ars Musica uit Chiaravalle (IT).


Via workshops leren de kinderen spelenderwijs Engels en komen ze ook in contact met traditionele muziek uit de andere landen.


Op de slotshow in Italië stonden 100 zangers en muzikanten op het podium en brachten naast eigen muziek ook een aangepaste versie van Ode to Joy, de Europese hymne.


Bekijk hier de video van het slotevent!


Together with our partners – Scoala Gimnaziala Razvad, Târgovişte (Romania), Szkoła Podstawowa Opalenica (Poland), Ars Musica, Chiaravalle (Italy) and vzw Wesp we have achieved something truly special. After two inspiring workshops that combined music and language acquisition, professional and amateur musicians, pupils and teachers came together in Chiaravalle (Italy) to perform self-written songs and adapted lyrics to national traditionals. This incredible 2-hour show at the Chiaravalle city theatre was a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity.


Our project, centered around enhancing language skills at primary school, culminated in a cross-cultural experience that has significantly boosted our communication, mutual understanding and problem-solving skills. We have witnessed firsthand the meaningful impact our project has had on everyone involved. A big thank you to Erasmus plus, Epos vzw and all our partners for their support and commitment.


Music for the Brain has grown into Music for European friendship!


slotevent italië

Workshop Romania

workshop Poland